You'll find me; chasing around my two little crazy girls and my pup. Working out. Buying plants and minimizing our house. DIY house projects are my jam and husband says I am in a permanent state of nesting. Hanging out at our cabin or traveling (not as much of this since the two little ladies entered our lives). I love to bake and cook. And I love to shoot film on the side.
Wedding days, family photos, engagement session, are not supposed to be stressful. I fully believe that. They are a time to laugh, maybe cry, love on your loved ones. So many people focus on those picture perfect moments, the ones you see in picture frames at the store. Yes, I want a few of those to but I also want the ones of you guys laughing uncontrollably, your baby grabbing your hand, your toddler maybe having a little melt down, you hugging your grandma on your wedding day.... I want those little moments cause most of the time after the moments are long gone - those end up being the big moments.
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